Refund Policy

When are payments eligible for a refund?

Orders are eligible for refund within 14 days of purchase.

Offers that include virtual goods, consumables such as game lives and boosters, and offers marked “non-refundable” are not eligible for refund. Most in-app purchases are non-refundable.

You will not be eligible for refunds for accounts from which you have been banned or for which you have otherwise violated the terms of service. In addition, you may not be eligible for refunds if Sweetigo determines that you are abusing the refund policy.

You are not able to request a refund on used content.

What constitutes “USED CONTENT?”

We consider content “used” if you've used it in the game.

How can I request a refund?

You can use our contact us page or send us an email to [email protected].

For purchases that are considrered as “refundable” or if you have questions about the refund process, you can request a refund by clicking “Contact Us”

How will I get my refund?

By default, purchases will be refunded to the payment method used to make the purchase.

Stolen / Hacked / Compromised accounts

First, make sure your email account's secure—change your password and set up two-factor authorization, if you can. Then, contact us to help you recover your account. Try not to worry about your virtual content. We'll reverse any purchases made during an account compromise.